Insider Secrets to Souvenir Shopping in Jamaica

5 Unlikely Places to Buy Souvenirs from Jamaica that You Probably Didn’t Think of and Where You Don’t Have to Worry About Haggling as the Prices are Preset and Reasonable!

OK so that was a mouthful; but, if you have ever gone shopping in touristy areas you will see why this article is really neat.

I get it. You have to bring back some souvenirs from Jamaica. You have to bring something back for Aunt Sue and something for the gal at work who has been asking you about your trip for the last 3 weeks.

So where can you go that’s quick and easy to get souvenirs from Jamaica that won’t cost an arm and a leg?

First off, don’t go following the other tourists like lambs to the slaughter, going to the same tired stores and buying the same souvenirs like everyone else. Learn what guests at Mais Oui know!

Souvenirs from Jamaica: Handmade Jamaican pottery depicting a basket of local produce

Here are 5 cool places to find souvenirs from Jamaica that you might not have thought of but should have:

  • A pharmacy such as York’s Pharmacy or Fontana’s in Ocho Rios. When Jamaicans travel to visit relatives abroad and they want to bring a Jamaican souvenir with them, they often purchase from a place like York’s pharmacy. Here you won’t find authentic Jamaican products but you can get the usual fare like logoed mugs, T-shirts and other trinkets for reasonable prices. Why? This is where the locals go! Don’t feel that you have to stick to York’s. Most “pharmacies” have a section with gifts.
  • A bookstore. Bookstores, even in resort areas, are not geared towards tourists but to locals, whether avid readers or students buying books for school. Cookbooks or beautiful coffee table books make great gifts and the prices will be cheaper than at the tourist stores or the airport.
  • A grocery store like Money’s Worth or Progressive Foods in Ocho Rios. Jamaican seasonings and spices make great inexpensive souvenirs
  • The gift shop at Mais Oui.  Considering that we know the real deal about shopping in Jamaica, we created our own private little gift area just for the convenience of our guests. It is so inconspicuous that unless it is pointed out to you, you wouldn’t realize what it is. And that is exactly how we want it. We don’t want our guests to feel like there is a “store” in the villa but we do want our guests to take advantage of our “finds”.

We curate predominantly locally-made items which we enjoy and which we think will interest our guests further showcasing Jamaica’s rich culture and identity. I especially love the ceramic pieces hand-made in Kingston by Frazier Ceramics, just as beautiful as Wassi Art, but less expensive.

Handmade local Jamaican pottery vases make special souvenirs

Our Blue Mountain coffee is authentic, direct from the factory, and much cheaper than at the airport, or even local stores. The art is by local Jamaican artists, including two of my absolute favorites, Richard Hall and Leopold Barnes.

Once you take a peek, you probably won’t want to be bothered spending hours driving around to find souvenirs, plus you will have the added benefit of supporting the local economy.

  • Make time for the departure lounge at MoBay’s airport. I can’t believe I just wrote that. Yes, the prices are higher than our gift shop; but, in addition to the usual fare that is ubiquitous to the resort areas, you do find some unique pieces.

My favorite store is Things Jamaica with their selection of high-quality, locally-made, upscale souvenirs, hand-made soaps, and art pieces.

For good liquor at great prices, check out Jamaica Farewell. Plus, they do such a nice job of packaging your purchases to prevent breakage.

So there you have it – 5 cool places to get souvenirs from Jamaica.

‘Til next time.

Think and dream Jamaica!

Sherry, Darrell and Darrian

Considering a visit to Jamaica? Contact us today for more information about, Mais Oui Tennis & Spa Villa, our boutique 8-BR ocean view Jamaica villa rental experience in beautiful Discovery Bay, Jamaica. Perfect for multi-generational families and groups.

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About the Author Sherry

Sherry & Darrell, owners of Mais Oui Tennis & Spa Villa in Discovery Bay, Jamaica, consider themselves unofficial ambassadors for Jamaica. They look forward to using their insider knowledge to help guests create priceless vacation memories. Feel free to say hi!

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About the Author Sherry

Sherry & Darrell, owners of Mais Oui Tennis & Spa Villa in Discovery Bay, Jamaica, consider themselves unofficial ambassadors for Jamaica. They look forward to using their insider knowledge to help guests create priceless vacation memories. Feel free to say hi!